The aim of SVGcalc is to provide the set of calculation and graphing tools commonly needed by high school math and science students in an elegant, browser-based, open-source fashion. This project attempts to capitalize on the cross-platform nature of web-based languages (HTML, JavaScript and SVG) to create a calculator that can be conveniently stored on a hard drive, accessed over a local or wide area network, or made available via an internet webpage. The intent is for any W3C-compliant web browser to run the program natively (without the use of third-party plug-ins). The specific functions chosen for the calculator, ranging from an expanded screen for long formulas, to least-squares regression of data sets, to function and inequality graphing, has been informed by my own 15 years of experience as a high school science/math/computer instructor. Finally, free distribution of the product is offered in the hope of serving other teachers who, like myself, have struggled to find simple, user-friendly, and yet comprehensive solutions to the computational and graphing needs of the high school science/math classroom.
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